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On the 16th of January 2014 the Ambassador of Italy to Malta Giovanni Umberto De Vito visited the restoration project of the Italian company Antonio De Feo (link to the website of Impresa Antonio De Feo Restauri). Currently working on the conservation of the fortifications of Valletta, at the entrance to the capital city.  Together with the adjoining project of urban rehabilitation carried out by Architect Renzo Piano this much appreciated restoration  of Malta’s architectural heritage will contribute to give back splendour to the old city in view of the fact that  Valletta has been nominated  European Capital of Culture for 2018.

The Project, commissioned by the Maltese Ministry of Resourses and also financed by European funds, is part of a structured enhancement measure of the imposing ramparts of  Malta’s capital, built in the 16th Century on the design of the Italian engineer Francesco Laparelli.

Ambassador De Vito wanted to show the support given by Italian institutions to companies involved in endeavours of internationalisation, which even in Malta are receiving increasing recognition.  Restoration  is a sector of excellence in which Italian companies, thanks to their know-how and to their high technical skills, have been awarded numerous and important tenders not only in Valletta, but also in Vittoriosa, Cospicua and Victoria, Gozo for a total value of more than 20 million Euro.

Visita al Cantiere De Feo (Valletta, 16 gennaio 2014)

Visita al Cantiere De Feo (Valletta, 16 gennaio 2014)

Visita al Cantiere De Feo (Valletta, 16 gennaio 2014)

Visita al Cantiere De Feo, VAlletta 16 gennaio 2014

Visita al Cantiere De Feo, Valletta 16 gennaio 2014

Visita al Cantiere De Feo, Valletta 16 gennaio 2014

Visita al Cantiere De Feo, Valletta 16 gennaio 2014

Visita al Cantiere De Feo, Valletta 16 gennaio 2014